Thursday, November 6, 2008

Puppies for Sale

I have the most beautiful YoYoPoo Puppies for sale. What is a YoYoPoo you ask? Well, a YoYoPoo is a hybrid Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle. The mother - 50% yorki and 50% poodle was bred to a 100% Yorkie. Yo Yo Poo. They will be five pounds, fun, brave, healthy companions who love other pets and children. Want one?

Racial Prejudice Loses - A Glimmer of Hope

Although I am a staunch Republican, I was deeply moved to see Obama and his family and Biden and his family side by side, comfortable, humbly experiencing the one of the most dramatic days in American history.

In all the hype and hoopala of politics (politricks actually), I am still skeptical that what I witnessed when Barack Obama appeared for his victory speech Tuesday night was an authentic display of racial barriers broken down and forgotten. Considering this moment was yet more political posturing and platform staging, I feel a nervous concern that those little children would be exploited to serve the manipulative spirit of the political mindset. I pray these families are what they seem; individuals who respect and honor the rights and privileges that belong to us all. I want to believe these families' values reflect true freedom from the bondage of prejudice and bias based on heritage - I want to believe it, so I will. I will continue to vigorously campaign for an America where people are judged by their character rather than their color.

The Day the Love Muse Became the Pit Bull

Recently, my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4A cancer. It is contained in the neck region, starting in his right tonsile. Fortunately, with radiation and chemo, his cure rate is 70% and we are grateful. We have been on an eight week journey from discovery to treatment. The pace has been extraordinarily fast and efficient as Joe has seen eight different doctors, spent the day at Stanford, undergone three diagnostic surgeries including a tonsillectomy, been x-rayed and scanned and given gallons of blood. Next week he begins six weeks of daily radiation and three rounds of chemo. We are just getting started.

The first health issue he ever had was earlier this year when he had his gallbladder removed. Somehow it took three months to get through authorizations and scheduling. This time, however, when we were met with resistence or foot dragging, my Red energy rose to the top. (Curious about "Red?" Go to the Personal Leadership link on my website High Definition Leadership.) This time I would not be put off, put on hold, set aside, forgotten or mismanaged and my personal value of treating everyone with patient respect was the thing set aside, I found myself assertive, demanding and tenacious. I was not always polite and gentle with doctors' staff and I am apologetic for acting emotionally un-intelligent.
I'm Okay, You're Okay
Plato wrote, "Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle." Some in fact are more like the walking wounded. We have the option of considering life as a level playing field where everyone is trying to handle their part the best they can with what they have. Rather than judge and criticize, we can exercise patience and tolerance by giving them the benefit of the doubt. We disarm our own fear and insecurities by believing the best in people. This about valuing individual preferences, interests and dreams. Where boundaries are crossed, respectful confrontation is healthy when the goal is to build cooperation and harmony. This preserves relationship and gives it fertile ground in which to thrive.
Today I am battling an insideious disease. I don't have the cancer, but the life of my soulmate is threatened and I am afraid. I can really see the other side of inappropriate and rude behavior and want to remember that no matter how others act, I want them to get the very best of me. This is being a strong leader of my own soul.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kindergarten Rules

My friend Kathi and her friend were biking in our town yesterday. Our town is world renown for extraordinary biking trails and street markings that make room for bicyclists. They were hit by a car. Kathi's friend is surviving multiple fractures, but Kathi has suffered major head trauma, is intubated and has not regained consciousness. I don't know what is going to happen, but this blog is about how it happened. I have no details, but I ride a motorcycle and I know how fast people drive, how aggresively they make lane changes and how impatient they are with others. In my car I have to fight to merge, risk my life to pull out onto a city street and resist the urge to use a bull horn and demand a little respect.

Please...Kathi could be your wife, daughter, parent, sister, friend...we have to share. We were taught this in kindergarten, but something has happened. Too much to do, no time, heavy traffic, cell phones, absentmindedness - if we are going to survive, we have to give what we need - respect, patience and a turn.

Auntie H.